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[E] jpkoushel
[E] jpkoushel
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over 14 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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Bump. Recruiting's been slow this week.
over 10 years ago
##DAT FRESH VOLVO## So gangsta so fresh, dat 1990 Volvo 240X station wagon with 4-cylinder straight inline engine, NIGGAS KNOW WHEN I BE ROLLIN UP. Got leather seats (except for a blue drivers seat idk why), WATER BED IN THE BACK (LADIES!!!), and dat FRESH MAROON PAINT ALL PEELIN OFF. My car basically reeks of sex, I know. It's a sexy ass drive.
over 12 years ago
Sequel_Sentry wrote: You're just pulling an Espero. So what exactly does cheating on faction payments have to do with a faction that has primarily moved to other servers? Espero has no history of fraud, cheating, stealing, or theft. Please do not add random insults to my people when they are ungrounded and unwarranted.
over 12 years ago
Do not give him any of my faction's land or structures. Thanks.
over 12 years ago
Old member checking in. I'm also the founder of Espero and current President of Espero, with divisions on three servers. I also spent a year as an admin on Minetown. Regarding Gackt's claim on the Vegas War, there were never any battles between us, nor did they defeat Espero. We embellished Valor's military with volunteer soldiers at the Battle of Vegas. Espero's fall on Minetown can be attributed to poor management. Every summer I must leave Minecraft for two or three months because I work at a summer camp in real life with limited internet access. Espero had an election and named Reggief the Mayor of Espero City during my leave, effectively a substitute Governor as he was in control of the capital city. Recruitment and interest faded under this regime and Espero's numbers dwindled from 70 to 20. Nowadays we don't have much interest in a new focus on Minetown. The atmosphere is not quite what we are looking for, although we are always present. We try to remain a major diplomatic power in the Millenium Alliance, and we still value our diplomatic ties to the Espero-Frost Alliance, our old ties to the Oktavon (Minetown's first factional alliance), and our close friendship with Valor. There are rumors that the Espero Ministry of Intelligence has maintained an invisible presence, too. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object> Any questions, hit it - I joined November 2010.
over 12 years ago